The Fit Dad Project: 6 wk Program for Men to Lose Weight & Build Muscle
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At Million Dollar Fitness, I selectively work with a few male clients who want to get leaner & stronger ... without following a meal plan or spending hours in the gym.
My 6 week program is for you ....
IF... you're a 40+ Professional Male who wants to lose 15 - 25lb
IF... you're feeling unfit, lethargic and wondering how you're going to make the changes that you know you need to make
IF... you're uncomfortable in your clothes and can't remember the last time you felt 'In Shape'
IF... you're ready to move out of your Comfort Zone
This is a program that produces results.
- Where - Million Dollar Fitness, Bonds Hill, BT47 6DW
- When - Monday
Does being overweight affect your confidence?
Does your busy schedule make it difficult for you to live a healthier lifestyle?
IF you're ready to get serious and incinerate that extra fat and melt off those unwanted pounds,
There's no better time than right now and I've got your plan right here. If you’ve landed here you’re probably interested in finding a personal trainer to help you to achieve your health, fitness and fat loss results but, like most people you’re probably more than a little confused about where to start and who to trust.
I'm Dee McCahill, BossLady at Million Dollar Fitness ...
If you're looking to shave some digits off your body fat percentage and lose those moobs, I'm about to become your new best friend. My whole-body workouts combine strength and cardiovascular training into one killer muscle-building, fat-burning session.
I selectively work with a few male clients in my 6 week "Winter Warrior" program specialising in providing a new lease of life for 30 + Males.
With the support and guidance I give you to keep you on the straight and narrow, I promise you will reclaim your health, physique, confidence and energy.
NB - I'm a B.S free zone ... a Straight Talking Fat Loss Expert. I Only Work With Men Who Are Coachable and 100% Ready, Willing & Able To Commit To Getting Results
When it comes to a fat loss program there are two critical factors. The first is to utilise demanding exercises that increase the heart rate. That means you won’t find any seated biceps curls or hip abduction machines in this program
With literally hundreds of trainers and "Guru's" to choose from in and around the North West, I totally get how hard it can be to make a decision about who to trust with your time, your effort, your goals and, of course, your hard-earned money.
It's like taking a shot in the dark and hoping for the best isn't it?
Not a good place to start out on your journey toward getting into the fittest, firmest and best shape of your life really, is it?
DO YOU ......
- Find work commitments and family life becoming more and more demanding , leaving you feeling out of shape and unfit?
- Join gyms in the past but drop out because you find exercise can become mundane or boring or you just don't know what to do?
- Genuinely feel like your best days are behind you?
- Constantly eat on the go - making poor choices?
- Drink too many coffees and energy drinks in an attempt to keep alert and awake?
- Feel you're knackered all the time and your sex drive's at an all-time low? - Just out of curiosity, on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being I can't drag my ass out of bed) what are your energy levels like right now?
Trust me, it does not have to be this way!
As a 50 + Fit-pro, I have more energy now and I'm in way better shape than I was in my 20s and this is down to the knowledge I have accrued as a fitness trainer and applied over decades of working with guys just like YOU....
I can tell you right now that you won't find row upon row of cardio machines, or even resistance machines.
Nor will you find me standing beside you counting reps whilst checking out my facebook.
What you will find is that this programme will give you all the tools you need to transform from "Zero" to "Hero".
At Million Dollar Fitness, the focus is on YOU rather than the equipment. Instead you’ll spend the bulk of your time using your bodyweight, ropes, barbells, kettlebells, TRX and even powerbags to add variety, effectiveness and, ultimately, results to your sessions
I make sure each training session is carefully structured taking into account YOUR level of fitness and experience. You work at, and progress at your own pace – of course though I’ll push you to get the best possible results in the shortest amount of time.
I have been getting outstanding results with 30+ men for decades now, and finally you have the chance to experience it yourself.
Where this programme differs from others is that it really is all about creating a lifestyle that you can stick to for the rest of your life.
And really, isn't that exactly what you need?
As a Fat Loss Expert, I understand the deep emotional and physical impact of being overweight. This programme has been developed to let the Magic happen by equipping YOU with the skills you need to achieve healthy and sustained weight loss. Your achievements can be astounding, as long as you’re willing to commit to transforming your health - both mentally and physically.
I will be with you every step of the way, helping you to become mentally stronger so you can overcome future challenges. My programmes are built around FOUR core pillars, Mindset - Exercise - Nutrition - Accountability
Here's what's included in your 6 week programme:
- PROVEN Fat Melting Nutrition Plan
- Workout Schedule: 50 minute session @ 7pm, 45 min session @ 6.30pm Tue, Wed, Thurs & Sat 6.15am. You want to aim for at least 3!
Meditation For Weight Loss audio program
Instantly Rocket Your Weight Loss Potential. This is a 21 day, at-home audio hypnosis program designed to help you achieve guaranteed weight loss. Each session’s potent hypnotic and NLP techniques instantly allow you to naturally reach and maintain your ideal weight … almost magically deleting all of your body’s unwanted fat. Simply download each session, pop on your headphones, and listen to a new audio each day for 21 days
ACCOUNTABILITY - This is the "Secret Sauce" to success. You see, I actually care about you getting the results you want and I go the extra mile with each and every one of you to make sure you stay on track with my check ins. Leadership and accountability could be the missing piece of the puzzle for you. The reason my clients are so successful is because of my extensive stalking & accountability checks. I WILL know when you've been sneaking in Take-Aways or missing workouts. When you know that you can't get away with it all of a sudden, change begins to happen and YOU start to believe in yourself again.
*Please note... Over 90% of guys who do the Program, end up staying with me and joining the Million Dollar family as members (no obligation).
So this is your moment – are you going to ignore your expanding waistline and carry on feeling how you’re feeling OR are you going to bite the bullet and make the decision right now to take me up on my Fat Loss program?
I think it's a No Brainer, don't you?
By now you know it's your next best move don't you? ... So if you're ready to get started, just book your place and I'll be in touch asap OR if you have some questions for me, drop me an email: dee@milliondollartrainer.com
* Results may vary from person to person